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Adult Social Care

This is the support for adults with physical and learning difficulties, or physical or mental illnesses. This can vary from personal care (such as eating, eashing or getting dressed) or for domestic tasks (such as cleaning or going to the shops).


There is informal unpaid care (support fom family members, neighbours, or friends) and there is formal paid care services (such as residential care homes or a carer helping in the home, which usually is paid by the local council or through private funds).


Who can get adult social care from the council ?


Adults of all ages can apply. The local council will have elgibility criteria so check out the details at Havering Council - Adult Social Care website for more information.


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Coming soon

Help from social services

Information on telephone helplines, needs assessments, advocacy and reporting abuse


Coming soon

Care services

Innformation on home adaptions, help at home and social care


Coming soon

Care Homes and  Nursing homes

Information on local Cre Homes and Nursing Homes


We are a charitable non-profit organisation working for the local community in the field of Education and Cultural activities.

Charity Number: 1195470


29-31 Upminster Road South



RM13 9YS  


01708 986 854


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